Partonomy list P2, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

medulla spinalis

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Top level systema nervosum Short Extended
Current level medulla spinalis Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
7647 5138 Tax
medulla spinalis
moelle épinière
morphologie externe de la moelle épinière
morphologia interna medullae spinalis
morphologie interne de la moelle épinière
78497 5156 Tax
canalis centralis
canal central
256580 5157 Tax
substantia grisea medullae spinalis
matière grise de la moelle épinière
256530 5176 Tax
colonne postérieure (paire) ; colonne dorsale (paire)
256536 5192 Tax
colonne intermédiaire (paire)
256541 5164 Tax
colonne antérieure (paire) ; colonne ventrale (paire)
83945 5204 Tax
substantia alba medullae spinalis
matière blanche de la moelle épinière
5241 Tax
cordon postérieur (paire) ; cordon dorsal (paire)
74000 5218 Tax
cordon latéral (paire)
74003 5205 Tax
cordon antérieur (paire) ; cordon ventral (paire)
77765 5251
structures centrales de la moelle épinière
13 lines
76.9 %
61.5 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P2
List Unit Identifier 5138
Sublist 1 5164 columna anterior 95/32 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 2 5176 columna posterior 89/30 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 3 5192 columna intermedia 98/33 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 4 5205 funiculus anterior 24/15 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 5 5218 funiculus lateralis 40/31 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 6 5241 funiculus posterior 48/25 on 8.7.2019
Sublist 7 5251 structura centralis 7/8 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 8 7982 morphologia externa 58/53 on 17.4.2019
Subtotals subchildren 459 subunits 227
Proper children 11
Invalid number of children Found children: 471
Check Sublist children: 459
Proper units 4
Invalid number of units Found units: 231
Check Found units: 227
Signature 4749 (validated since 31.12.2021)
Date: 31.05.2024